Structural Advisory Committee - October 26, 2022 - Agenda

Meeting Date: 
October 26, 2022 - 12:00pm

PDF icon SAC2_Mtg_Announcement_725Jamestown_202105281249.pdf

Pursuant to San Francisco Building Code Sections 105.6 and, a Structural Advisory Committee (SAC) was formed to provide independent expert review and to make recommendations to the Director of

Building Inspections on the proposed project:
 Permit Application Number PA# 2021-0528-1249.
 Project Address: 725 Jamestown.
 Project Description: Grading permit in preparation for residential development.

The SAC will meet on:
Wednesday, October 26th, 2022, 12:00 P.M.
Location: Remote Access Public Meeting Via Electronic Platform

Due to the COVID-19 health emergency and to protect Committee Members, DBI staff, and members of the public, the Structural Advisory Committee’s Review Meeting will be held remotely.

Members of the public are to participate remotely. If you want to ensure your comment on any item on the agenda is received by the Structural Advisory Committee in advance of the meeting, please send an email to or call 1-628-652-3769 before 12 pm on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022.

Web link to join the meeting:
Event number (Access Code): 2489 995 2381
Event password: 725Jamestown

Public Comments Call-in Telephone number: United States Toll 1-415-655-0001, and Enter Access
Code: 2489 995 2381

To raise your hand for public comment on an agenda item, press * 3 when prompted by the meeting moderator.

Web link to permit application documents for the SAC review:

Hard copies of all documents referred to in the agenda are available for public inspection by appointment only with Mr. Philip Chan by emailing or by calling 628-652-3769 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, before the meeting date, at the Department of Building Inspection, 49 South Van Ness Avenue,
San Francisco, CA 94103.

If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed to the Structural Advisory Committee after distribution of this announcement, those materials will be uploaded to the aforementioned web link for public inspection and hard copies available for inspection.

SAC MEMBERS: Frank L. Rollo, Geotechnical Engineer
John Wallace, Certified Engineering Geologist
Donald J. Hodson, Civil Engineer

Under the conditions of The Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act (SFBC 106A.4.1.4), the proposed project is subject to mandatory submittals and heightened review of reports by a Structural Advisory Committee as defined by SFBC 105A.6.

106A.4.1.4 The Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act. This Section of the San Francisco Building Code shall be known as the Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act.

106A. Creation. The Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act shall apply to all property within San Francisco that exceeds an average slope of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical grade or falls within certain mapped areas of the City, except those properties already subject to the Edgehill Mountain Slope Protection Area or the Northwest Mt. Sutro Slope Protection Area. For purposes of this Section “property” shall mean a legal lot of record. Heightened review of certain permit applications, as provided in this section, shall be given to all property subject to this Act.

106A. Purpose. Because landslides, earth movement, ground shaking, drainage issues, and subsidence are likely to occur on or near steeply sloped properties and within other defined areas causing severe damage and destruction to public and private improvements, the Board of Supervisors finds that the public health, safety, and welfare is best protected if the Building Official causes permit applications for the construction of new buildings or structures and certain other construction work on property subject to the Slope and Seismic
Hazard Zone Protection Act to undergo additional review for structural integrity and effect on hillside or slope stability. The requirements for projects subject to the Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act are in addition to all other applicable laws and regulations, including any and all requirements for environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act; compliance with the requirements contained herein does not excuse a project sponsor from compliance with any other applicable laws and regulations.

106A. Scope.
(a) Properties are subject to these requirements where: (1) any portion of the property lies within the areas of “Earthquake-Induced Landslide” in the Seismic Hazard Zone Map, released by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, dated November 17, 2000, or amendments thereto or (2) the property exceeds an average slope of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical slope.
(b) Proposed construction work that is subject to these requirements includes the construction of new buildings or structures having over 1,000 square feet of new projected roof area and horizontal or vertical additions having over 500 square feet of new projected roof area. In addition, these requirements shall apply to the following activity or activities: shoring, underpinning, excavation, or retaining wall work; grading, including excavation or fill, of over 50 cubic yards of earth materials; or any other construction activity that, in the opinion of the Building Official, may have a substantial impact on the slope stability of any property.

The proposed permit applications are proposing site excavation and grading in preparation for the eventual future construction of new buildings or structures along a very steep slope along the hillside, and are subject to the requirement of review by Structural Advisory Committee. The Structural Advisory Committee (SAC) will convene to review and provide expert professional opinions concerning items as stipulated in SFBC Section 105A.6.3 and 106A.4.1.4. (attached herein).

The subject permit application is under the jurisdiction of the 2019 edition of the San Francisco Building Code, being the version prevailing at time of permit application.

The Structural Advisory Committee (SAC) will take public comment on all items appearing on the agenda at the time the item is considered by the SAC. For general public comment (Item No.3), the public may address the SAC on any issues which are in the general subject matter under the jurisdiction of the SAC, other than the calendar items. Each member of the public has up to 2 minutes to comment on an item.

As this SAC review involves complex technical geotechnical, geological, and structural issues and considerations, to facilitate an efficient progress in the review, agenda items 4 to 7 may take place in interlaced fashion for various areas of review concerns as appropriate as determined by the call of the Chairperson.

1. Roll call.
2. SAC selected Chairperson John Wallace, Certified Engineering Geologist, to conduct this SAC review meeting.
3. Public comment on items other than calendared items.
4. Scope of SAC’s Review and Discussion per SFBC Sections 105A.6.3 and 106A.4.1.4 to follow-up on prior meeting review comments provided by the SAC:
SAC will perform the design review to provide the Director of Building Inspection with a written report concerning the following review considerations, as applicable:
 the safety and integrity of the proposed design and construction;
 the effect that grading construction activity related to the proposed project will have on the safety and slope stability of the area during the construction sequence, and after
the construction at subsequent development stages, and interim measures to mitigate any potential sliding and erosion of the site;
 the validity and appropriateness of the geotechnical/structural design concepts and criteria;
 the adequacy of the geotechnical and geological investigation and study and the appropriateness of the recommended design parameters;
 the evaluation of the grading design in preparation of the planned future building/structure development, to determine the appropriateness of its capability to perform satisfactorily without failure; any perpetual limitation of the site to be imposed regarding the level of future development, such as the future excavations, and/or vertical and horizontal additions from the original plan.
 the constructability of proposed structural details and construction sequencing and methods;
 the sufficiency of the proposed inspection, testing and monitoring to be provided prior to, during, and after construction.
 items to be reviews will include but not limited to geotechnical and geological investigation and study, designs, details, drainage, erosion during and after construction, construction/erection methods, appropriateness and adequacy of the proposed shoring design, quality control and special inspection specified.
 Site monitoring plan during and after improvement and installation are constructed;
 Necessity of follow-up review by the SAC for the additional site findings by the Geotechnical Engineer and Certified Engineering Geologist of Record’s during grading, excavation, and construction are the assumed and recommended geotechnical/geological design parameters.

The review shall include the evaluation of the stability of the project site with regard to the proposed subsequent development and the effect of its development on the stability of
adjacent Areas. Review will consider factors including but not limited to design criteria and performance objectives, soil and site conditions, geological factors, historic site stability,
the anticipated foundation system designs, soil and site improvement systems design, shoring/earth retaining system design, structural systems design, on and off site drainage
impacts, and other proposed improvement designs for compliance with design criteria and performance objectives.
5. Applicant team presents proposed project with revised documents and plans
6. Public Comments
7. SAC Panel Discussion
8. Motion of recommendations to the Director of Building Inspection, and for incorporation into project design, if any.
9. Adjournment.

Attachment (1): San Francisco Building Code (SFBC) Sections 105A.6 and 106A.4.1.4
Attachment (2): Instructions for Remote Meeting Access (WEBEX) or Telephone
Attachment (3): Lobbyist Registration And Reporting Requirements
Attachment (4): Accessible Meeting Information Policy

Attachment (1):
San Francisco Building Code (SFBC) Sections 105A.6 and 106A.4.1.4
2019 edition of the San Francisco Building Code, being the version prevailing at time of permit application.
105A.6 Structural Advisory Committee.
105A.6.1 Establishment. There is hereby created a three-member Structural Advisory Committee, to advise the Building Official on matters pertaining to the design and construction of buildings with special features or special design procedures. Upon request by the Building Official, the engineer of record for such a project shall demonstrate to the Structural Advisory Committee how the structural concepts, designs, details, erection methods and quality control will produce a structure that would meet the intent of Section 101A.2.
105A.6.2 Members. For consideration of each building with such special features, the Structural Advisory Committee shall consist of members who are knowledgeable in the structural engineering and construction issues presented by those special features. Members shall be selected from a list of qualified engineers submitted by the Structural Engineers Association of Northern California and approved by the Building Official. One member shall be selected by the Building Official, one member shall be selected by the owner, and the third member shall be selected jointly. Compensation of the Structural Advisory Committee members shall be by the owner. However, when the project for which Committee review is required is located in the Edgehill Mountain Slope Protection Area, as defined by Building Code Section 106A.4.1.2 or the Northwest Mt. Sutro Slope Protection Area as defined by Building Code Section 106A.4.1.3 or is subject to Committee review pursuant to the Slope Protection Act, Building Code Section 106A., (a) the Committee shall consist of a structural engineer, a geologist and a geotechnical engineer; (b) the Committee shall consult with an architect, who shall be a voting member of the Committee; (c) the selection of the Committee members shall be as follows: one member shall be selected jointly by the Building Official and the Director of Public Works, one member shall be selected solely by the Building Official and one member shall be selected by the Building Official and the owner from recommendations made by interested persons, including but not limited to residents of the neighborhood surrounding the project location; and (d) to the extent feasible, the Committee members should be selected from a list submitted by the Structural Engineers Association of Northern California.

105A.6.3 Report. The Structural Advisory Committee shall submit to the Building Official a written report which shall include professional opinions concerning, but not limited to, the following:
1. The validity and appropriateness of the structural design concepts and criteria.
2. An evaluation of the structural design of the building or structure to determine its capability to perform satisfactorily beyond the elastic stresses stipulated by the code, with sufficient redundancy to accommodate overloads or failures of specific structural components.
3. The constructability of proposed structural details and erection methods.
4. The sufficiency of the proposed inspection, testing and monitoring to be provided during prior to and during construction.

106A.4.1.4 The Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act. This Section of the San Francisco Building Code shall be known as the Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act.
106A. Creation. The Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act shall apply to all property within San Francisco that exceeds an average slope of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical grade or falls within certain mapped areas of the City, except those properties already subject to the Edgehill Mountain Slope Protection Area or the Northwest Mt. Sutro Slope Protection Area. For purposes of this Section “property” shall mean a legal lot of record. Heightened review of certain permit applications, as provided in this section, shall be given to
all property subject to this Act.

106A. Purpose. Because landslides, earth movement, ground shaking, drainage issues, and subsidence are likely to occur on or near steeply sloped properties and within other defined areas causing severe damage and destruction to public and private improvements, the Board of Supervisors finds that the public health, safety, and welfare is best protected if the Building Official causes permit applications for the construction of new buildings or structures and certain other construction work on property subject to the Slope and Seismic
Hazard Zone Protection Act to undergo additional review for structural integrity and effect on hillside or slope stability. The requirements for projects subject to the Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act are in addition to all other applicable laws and regulations, including any and all requirements for environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act; compliance with the requirements contained herein does not excuse a project sponsor from compliance with any other applicable laws and regulations.

106A. Scope.
(a) Properties are subject to these requirements where: (1) any portion of the property lies within the areas of “Earthquake-Induced Landslide” in the Seismic Hazard Zone Map, released by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, dated November 17, 2000, or amendments thereto or (2) the property exceeds an average slope of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical slope.
(b) Proposed construction work that is subject to these requirements includes the construction of new buildings or structures having over 1,000 square feet of new projected roof area and horizontal or vertical additions having over 500 square feet of new projected roof area. In addition, these requirements shall apply to the following activity or activities: shoring, underpinning, excavation, or retaining wall work; grading, including excavation or fill, of over 50 cubic yards of earth materials; or any other construction activity that, in the opinion of the Building Official, may have a substantial impact on the slope stability of any property.

106A. Mandatory submittal and review of reports review.1
(a) All permit applications submitted to the Central Permit Bureau for construction work on properties subject to the Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act shall include report(s) prepared and signed by both a licensed geologist and a licensed geotechnical engineer identifying areas of potential slope instability, defining potential risks of development due to geological and geotechnical factors, including information required by this section 106A. and Departmental guidelines and regulations, and making recommendations regarding the proposed development. These reports shall undergo review as deemed appropriate by the Building Official or by their designated staff. Such review shall involve an internal review by Departmental staff. The Building Official, in their discretion, may require third party peer review from a licensed geotechnical engineer. After third party peer review, the Building Official, in their discretion, may establish a Structural Advisory Committee, as defined by Building Code section 105A.6, to review the project.

If there is a history of landslides in the vicinity of the project, the Building Official shall require third party peer review and establish a Structural Advisory Committee to review the project. For purposes of the preceding sentence, “vicinity” shall mean any property tangent to the subject project site that also appears on the current version of the California Department of Conservation’s Seismic Hazard Zone Map identified in section 106A. The Building Official’s or the Building Official’s designee’s decision(s) concerning the level of review for a particular project or activity shall: (1) be in writing, (2) identify Departmental staff involved in the decision, (3) be consistent with the criteria set forth in the Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act and any Departmental guidance adopted under section 106A.4.1.6, and (4) describe the basis for the decision.

(b) All such project reviews required under section 106A. shall verify that appropriate geological and geotechnical issues have been considered and that appropriate slope instability mitigation strategies, including drainage plans if required, have been proposed. Review also shall consider any other factors relevant to mitigation slope instability, including, but not limited to, the ground slope, soil type at the project site, the geologic conditions, the history of landslides in the vicinity, the nature of the planned excavation and
construction, the proximity and type of adjacent construction, and the effect that construction activity related to the proposed project will have on the safety and stability of the subject property and properties within the vicinity of such property.

(c) No permits as specified above for properties subject to the Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act that involve review by the Structural Advisory Committee shall be issued unless and until the Building Official has consulted with and received a written communication from representatives of the Departments of Planning and Public Works, and the Fire Department, each of whom has made a visit to the site for which the project is proposed, and the Building Official has received a written report from the Structural Advisory
Committee concerning the safety and integrity of the proposed design and construction. As part of its review, the Structural Advisory Committee shall make findings concerning the review criteria and analysis set forth in this section 106A. and Departmental guidelines and regulations regarding slope and seismic hazards.

106A. Mandatory denial by the Building Official. In the event that the Building Official establishes a Structural Advisory Committee and such Committee determines that there is a reasonable likelihood that the proposed design and construction would result in unsafe conditions or would increase the likelihood of hillside or slope instability, and such unsafe conditions or instability cannot be mitigated to the satisfaction of the Committee, the Building Official shall deny the permit. The Building Official’s decision to deny the permit is
appealable only to the Board of Appeals.

106A. Regulations to implement the Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act. The Building Official is hereby authorized to adopt rules, regulations, administrative bulletins, or other written guidelines to assist the Department in implementing this Section 106A .4.1.4, provided that any such guidance shall be in addition to the criteria set forth in section 106A . or elsewhere in this Act and shall not conflict with or diminish any of the permit review criteria in this Building Code. Such guidance may provide objective criteria to exempt certain projects and activities from discretionary third party peer or Structural Advisory Committee review where the soil at the project site is dune sand or Colma Formation and the project or activity presents circumstances that would not necessitate more extensive review.

1. So in Ord. 264-19.

Attachment (2):
Instructions for Remote Meeting Access (WEBEX) or Telephone
To watch via WebEx application on your desktop/laptop, click the web link to join the meeting:
password: 725Jamestown
• You will then be prompted to enter the following information:
• First and Last Name: These fields are required to be entered; however, if you wish to remain anonymous, you may type “Public” in the first and last name fields.
• Email Address: This field is required to be entered; however, if you wish to remain anonymous, you may type “” in the email field
• Click the “Join Now” button to join the meeting
Alternatively, audio only by telephone:
Public Comments: To raise your hand for public comment on an agenda item, press * 3 when prompted by the meeting moderator.
Audio Only by Telephone:
Call-in Telephone number: United States Toll 1-415-655-0001, and
Enter Access Code: 2489 995 2381
Providing Public Comment:
• Dial in to 1-415-655-0001 and then enter access code 2489 995 2381 then press #
• Press # again to enter meeting as an ATTENDEE
• You will hear a beep when you join the meeting as a participant. Stop and LISTEN.
• Wait for Public Comment time to be announced.
• When the Chair or Committee Secretary calls for Public Comment, press * then press 3 to be added to the speaker line.
• You will then hear “You have raised your hand to ask a question, please wait to speak until the host calls on you.” Callers will hear silence when waiting for their turn to speak.
• Ensure you are in a quiet location. Before you speak, mute the sound of any equipment around you, including televisions, radios, and computers. It is especially important that you mute your computer (if you are watching via the web link) so there is no echo sound when you speak.
• To withdraw your question, press * then press 3. – you will hear: “You have lowered your hand.”
• When the system message says “Your line has been unmuted” - THIS IS YOUR TIME TO SPEAK.
• When the Chair or Committee Secretary states “Welcome Caller,” you are encouraged to state your name clearly. As soon as you speak, you will have 2 minutes to provide your comments and if extra time is warranted and it is relevant to the mission of the Committee, additional time may be granted to the speaker per the discretion of the Chair.
• Once your 2 minutes or the time extension allowed have expired, you will be moved out of the speaker line and back as a participant in the meeting (unless you disconnect). You will hear “Your line has been muted.”
• Participants who wish to speak on other public comment periods can stay on the meeting line and listen for the next public comment opportunity.
Pursuant to Section 67.16 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, each member of the public may address the Committee once for up to two minutes on any agenda item.

Attachment (3):
Individuals who influence or attempt to influence local policy or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance (San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code sections 2.100 – 2.160) to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 220, San Francisco, CA 94102; telephone (415) 252-3100, fax (415) 252-3112; and website:

(Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)

Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public.

Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review.

The ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.


Citizens interested in obtaining a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance can request a copy from the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force or by printing Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code on the Internet, and at the San Francisco Public Library.

Pursuant to Section 67.7-1(c) of the San Francisco Administrative Code, members of the public who are unable to attend the public meeting or hearing may submit written comments regarding a calendared item to Technical Services Division, at 1660 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 or at the place of the scheduled meeting. These written comments shall be made a part of the official public record.

Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance (SF Administrative Code Sec. 16.520-16.534) to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 1390 Market Street #701, SF, CA 94102 or (415) 554-9510 voice, or (415) 703-0121 fax, or visit their website at http://www.sfgov/ethics/.

Attachment (4):
A sign language interpreter, reader, or other accommodations for a disability, will be available upon request. Please contact Technical Services Division at (628) 652-3727, providing 72 hours notice will help to ensure availability.

Distribution List, with Attachments:
Department of Building Inspection Web Site
Patrick O’Riordan, Director
Department of Building Inspections
49 S. Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94103

Neville Pereira, Deputy Director Permit Services
Department of Building Inspection
49 S. Van Ness Ave., Ste.590, San Francisco, CA 94103

Carla Short, Interim Director
Department of Public Works
Rm. 348, City Hall, San Francisco, CA 94102

Rich Hillis, Director of City Planning
49 S. Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94103

Albert Ko, City Engineer
Department of Public Works
49 S. Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94103

Raymond Lui, Structural Section Manager
Infrastructure Design & Construction
Department of Public Works
49 S. Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94103

Debra Dwyer, Principal Environmental Planner
Dept. of City Planning, 49 S. Van Ness Ave., Ste.1400
San Francisco, CA 94103

Daniel De Cossio, Fire Marshal
San Francisco Fire Department
698 Second St., Rm.109, San Francisco, CA 94107

Lourdes Russell, Chief
Assistant Fire Marshal
San Francisco Fire Department
698 Second St., Rm.109, San Francisco, CA 94107

Kathy Harold, Assistant Fire Marshal
San Francisco Fire Department
49 S. Van Ness Ave.,San Francisco, CA 94103

Thanh Nguyen, Public Utility Commission

Robb Kapla, Deputy City Attorney
City Hall, Room 234, San Francisco, CA 94102

Willy Yau, Acting Manager Plan Review Services Division
Department of Building Inspection
49 S. Van Ness Ave., Ste.590, San Francisco, CA 94103

Phillip Chan, P.E. Plan Reviewer, Plan Review Services Division
49 S. Van Ness Ave., Ste.590, San Francisco, CA 94103

Frank L. Rollo, Geotechnical Engineer (SAC Member)
1977 16th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94116

John Wallace, Certified Engineering Geologist (SAC Member)
Cotton, Shires and Associates, Inc.
330 Village Lane, Los Gatos, CA 95030

JD Hodson, PE, LEED AP (SAC Member)
Project Owner/General Contractor:
Bryan Fat, Strada Investment Group

Nik Krukowski, Strada Investment Group

Jeff Tarantno, Freyer & Lauretta Civil

Jeff Fippin; Brooks Ramsdell, Engeo Geotech, Geology

Bryan Cortnik, Daedalus Structural Engineer

300-ft Radius Neighbors

See attachments.