City and County of San FranciscoDepartment of Building Inspection

Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Task Force - August 21, 2014 - Meeting Minutes

Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Task Force - August 21, 2014

PDF iconSRO Minutes 08-21-14.pdf



Meeting Notes August 21, 2014

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

1650 Mission Street, Room 403



Members Present:  Angela Chu (Chinatown SRO Collaborative); Sam Patel (SRO Operator);); Pratibha Tekkey (Central City SRO Collaborative); Scott Walton (HSA), Nicolette Alexander (Tenant Representative). Yvonne Mere (City Attorney’s Office); Dan Jordan (SRO Tenant); Dr. Johnson Ojo (DPH)


Excused Absences: Rosemary Bosque (DBI); Bruce Burge (SRO Operator); Amelia Rudburg (Non-profit SRO Operator/Manager); Wolfgang Stuwe (DPH Housing & Urban Health; DPH


Unexcused Absences: Nicolette Alexander (Tenant Representative)


Guests: Alma Synder


Notes:  Nicole Rossini (DBI-HIS)



1. Call to Order:


9:10 am


2. Roll Call/Determination of Quorum:


Scott Walton determined that there was not a quorum. There were four excused absences for the day and two vacancies on the Task Force.


3. Approval of Meeting Minutes for July 17, 2014


The members of the Task Force in attendance were able to review the minutes. With a lack of quorum, the approval of the minutes was tabled for next month’s meeting.


Public Comment:




4. Administrative Announcements:


Bernedette Perez introduced Matt Czajkowski the new DBI Senior Clerk.  Matt Czajkowski will serve as backup minute taker for Nicole Rossini.


Scott Walton asked if Rosemary Bosque would be returning for the September meeting.


Bernedette Perez stated that she believes she will be present. She is expected to return the second week of September.  


Public Comment:





5. Presentation Edwin Bantongbacal, Program Director, Adult & Older-Adult Systems of Care Behavioral Health Services-CBHS


Presentation was cancelled. Guest speaker did not attend.


Public Comment:




6. Report from SRO Collaboratives


Scott Walton stated that there are currently two vacancies on the Task Force. He thanked Raul Fernandez- Berrizabal for attending the meeting while the Task Force awaits the approval of his application by the Board of Supervisors.


Prabitha Tekkey stated that the tenants they speak to are reporting more bedbug infestations.  On-site SRO management does not seem to be aware of the new bedbug regulations. She further stated that she was aware DPH (Department of Public Health) has sent out information on new regulations. Central City SRO Collaborative has been going to speak with management to make them aware of regulations.  She stated that they are hoping to do one- on-one training on the bedbug regulations.


Scott Walton asked if there was any awareness by DPH that the bedbug problem is rising.


Dr. Johnson Ojo stated that there is a workshop with SP and owners of SROs that were held every 2 yrs.  To show what is available for management to deal with problem.


Yvonne Mere stated that the bedbug DPH presentation 2 years ago was very effective and highly attended.


Scott Walton asks what DPH staff was doing to educate management with bedbug infestations.


Dr. Johnson Ojo stated that the staff is supposed to distribute pamphlets to tenants and management when they are doing their inspections.


Dan Jordan stated that the tenants are complaining of bedbugs and don’t know the proper procedures to eradicate them.  They are telling us that the management does not seem to be following the proper procedures.  Management is doing a one time spray.


Dr. Johnson Ojo stated that the tenants need to report when they are not getting the full treatments done to DPH so that they can ensure that management is following proper procedures.


Dan Jordan stated the tenants are reporting they are being given 1 hour before the exterminator comes to prepare for treatment which isn’t enough time to prepare.  Management is not giving proper notice.


Dr. Johnson Ojo stated that DPH wants to be notified of the hotel address that the proper procedures where are not being followed.


Prabitha Tekkey stated that Central City SRO Collaborative is working on a public safety campaign. Their tenant leader focused on public safety campaigns.  Recently, they toured the tenderloin with the Public Utilities Commission to point out the issues with lighting in the tenderloin. The hope is the lighting issue will be resolved in the coming years. She further stated that the Tenderloin Housing Clinic is working to develop education around sexual harassment.  They are addressing how to respond to it and also how to report it to the proper authorities.


Angela Chu stated that tenants are having problems getting rid of bedbugs permanently. The tenants are getting bedbugs frequently.  She stated that there is a hotel in 500 Block of Broadway that needs help. There numerous leaks in the rooms. There are several types of vermin infestation.  Floors have been flooded. This resulted in a tenant reporting that their mattress was soaked.  The tenant found maggots in the mattress.  DBI has done several health and safety inspections and so has DPH.  The problems that have been written up have not been abated. There is a feeling that this has fallen into the cracks.  The hotel is poorly managed.  They are not in compliance with legislation.  The owner to give management a 3 day notice to quit because the management has not paid. The feeling is that the citations should not be more about the tenants than management because it results in management blaming tenants for the issues not being addressed.


Dr. Johnson Ojo asked for address of the hotel.


Angela Chu stated that she would give address to Dr. Johnson Ojo in private.


Yvonne Mere asked to be given the address too.


Scott Walton stated that the Collaborative should share, with DPH & DBI, these concerns about buildings with serious issues. The Collaborative should be asking the tenants to see the letters the tenants are receiving about repairs that are going to be made.


Angela Chu stated the senior citizen SRO tenants are complaining about many forced entry robberies and even someone being beaten. They are easy targets because they can be pushed down and followed.  This happens on the streets of Chinatown as well. Police are having discussions about the safety of seniors in Chinatown.


Scott Walton commented that if people do not know who to contact, make sure they know they can call 311. If a bedbug treatment isn’t successful, call DPH


Angela Chu: Said people reported 311 Calls are not being answered for hours.


Scott Walton stated he is using 311 for the adult shelters and was not hearing these complaints. He’s hearing response times of 1 minute at 311. Encourage Angela Chu to call 311 and see what response time is. Ask if she could get specifics from the tenants.


Yvonne Mere asked if the response was the same for non-English  speakers.


Angela Chu stated that they have to wait for foreign language


Scott Walton stated that it’s an on- call for language speakers. He has found them very responsive.  Please report because they are not aware of the needs of the user.


Angela Chu stated that she will ask tenants again for details


Scott Walton stated that the records of 311 should be able to show where the issues lie.


Raul Fernandez- Berrizabal stated bedbug issue is common across the board.  He suggests putting posters in public hotels about the steps to follow for the bedbugs. He would like poster done in simple terms.


Sam Patel stated he’s against having these posters because his hotel is residential and for tourists. Posters would impact your tourist business.  If a hotel is100% residential this wouldn’t be any big deal but it would affect tourist business.


Scott Walton stated his concern about posters and materials is that tenants will try to do steps themselves instead of letting management do it.


Dr. Johnson Ojo stated they have pamphlets for distributing to clients


Prabitha Tekkey stated when it bedbug regulations first passed there was a large public campaign including signage on buses.


Scott Walton stated that the posters could be problematic if it appears to be labeling it as a problem of that hotel.


Public comment:



7. Prioritization of Future Meetings


Reschedule DPH to come in since they have not shown up.


Prabitha Tekkey said the Mental Health Association is starting a crisis line for mental health issues.  Not sure if it will be 24hrs.  It’s starting with certain hours and will go from there.


Scott Walton said to forward the information to Rosemary and Nicolette so they can be scheduled. The Task Force is still looking at the overall safety in SROs.


Public Comment:




General Public Comment


Alma Synder stated about Central City SRO Collaborative, she would like them to distribute pamphlets and materials.


Pratibha Tekkey stated that there are informational pamphlets available to print on DPH website. And that the materials have been translated into many languages.


Alma Synder stated that there needs to be clear information that spraying once is not enough. It would be nice for all the steps of bedbug treatment to be printed up in all languages.



