City and County of San FranciscoDepartment of Building Inspection

Disability Access Subcommittee

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 





Notice of Meeting of the

Disability Access Subcommittee


DATE:                           June 18, 2003  (Wednesday)


TIME:                           11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon         


LOCATION:                  1660 Mission Street, Room 2001          


This subcommittee meets regularly every third Wednesday of the month at 1660 Mission Street, Room 2001.  If you wish to be placed on a mailing list for agendas, please call (415) 558-6205.


Note:    Public comment is welcome and will be heard during each agenda item.  Reference documents relating to agenda are available for review at the 1650 Mission Street, Suite 302.  For information, please call Alan Tokugawa at (415) 558-6004.





1.0        Call to Order and Roll Call

Members:  Lee Phillips, Chair; Arnold Lerner, AIA; Zachary Nathan, AIA; Nicholas Palter; Tony Sanchez-Corea, III.


2.0               Review and approval of minutes of the meetings of February 19, 2003 and March 19, 2003.


3.0               Report on status of legislation proposed by Scott Hauge, small business owner and founder of SF Small Business Advocates, regarding alterations done to comply with disabled access requirements.


4.0               Discussion and possible action regarding Code Rulings and Administrative Bulletins dealing with disabled access issues that were previously proposed by DBI but never approved or issued for publication.  The possible action will be to make a recommendation to DBI Technical Services Division regarding the further development or final deletion of each identified document.


5.0               Subcommittee Members’ and Staff’s identification of new agenda items, as well as current agenda items to be continued to another subcommittee regular meeting or special meeting. Subcommittee discussion and possible action regarding administrative issues related to building codes.    


5.0        Public Comment: Public comment will be heard on items not on this agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Code Advisory Committee.  Comment time is limited to 3 minutes per person or at the call of the Chair.


6.0        Adjournment.



Note to Committee Members:  Please review the appropriate material and be prepared to discuss at the meeting.  If you are unable to attend, please call Chair Lee Phillips at (415) 922-4935.  The meeting will begin promptly.