City and County of San FranciscoDepartment of Building Inspection

Board of Examniers

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 

JUNE 17, 2003
CASE NO. 2003-04

On June 12, 2003 the Board of Examiners held a duly noticed public hearing to determine whether proposed modifications to sliding glass door assemblies serving exterior private balconies or decks at 255 Berry Street would mitigate the potential tripping hazard caused by a high threshold condition. 255 Berry Street is a high-rise residential project with one hundred dwelling units still under construction. The construction has reached the seventh floor. Section 1003.3.16 of the San Francisco Building Code requires a level landing on each side of a door with a threshold or change in elevation no greater than one inch (1”) in occupancies that are not required to be accessible. Section 1120A.2.4 requires a level landing with a threshold no greater than three quarters of an inch (3/4”) in accessible residential occupancies at exterior sliding glass doors.

The exterior decks in question are private and serve the individual accessible and adaptable units. The tracks for the sliding glass doors protrude approximately two and three quarters inches (2 ¾”) above the interior floor level. This type of door was selected by the designer because of its capability for preventing water intrusion under the high wind conditions consistent with high-rises.

Cammisa, Glumac, Cervantes, Flores

Wing Lau, DBI Secretary to the Board
Carla Johnson, Senior Building Inspector        

Tom Kallia, Architect
Mark Kim, Architect

Testimony was given by the appellant’s representatives from the architects and from the City staff present. Based on the presentation of oral and written testimony, the Board of Examiners voted 4-0 to approve the appellant’s proposal to install a three sided ramp threshold to reduce the change in elevation at the interior side to ¾”. The material selected for the ramp must meet all other building code requirements for flame spread and smoke. This approval shall be one time only for this project alone. Accessibility issues to the exterior will be addressed post occupancy as part of an adaptable feature.

Motion made by Board Member Glumac, seconded by Board Member Cervantes.       

AYES: Cammisa, Glumac, Cervantes, Flores

NOES: None

Motion adopted by resolution pursuant to San Francisco Building Code Section 105.1.11 at the regular scheduled meeting of June 17, 2003.

Wing Y. Lau, Chief Building Inspector
Secretary to Board of Examiners