City and County of San FranciscoDepartment of Building Inspection

Structural Subcommittee

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 

Regular Meeting of the
Structural Subcommittee


March 10, 2009 ((Tuesday)


9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


1660 Mission St., Room 2031


This Subcommittee meets regularly on the second Tuesday of each month at 1660 Mission St., Room 2031. (DBI Office).  If you wish to be placed on a mailing list for agendas, please call (415) 558-6205.


Public comment is welcome and will be heard during each agenda item. Reference documents relating to agenda are available for review at the 1660 Mission Street, 2/F.  For information, please call David Leung at (415) 558-6033.


Stephen Harris, S.E.
Ned Fennie, A.I.A.

Other Present:

Hanson Tom, DBI
David Leung, DBI





Call to Order and Roll Call
Members: Jim Guthrie, S.E.; Chair; Ned Fennie, AIA.; Stephen Harris, S.E.

Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Quorum established with 2 members present.



Approval of the minutes of the Structural Subcommittee regular meeting of February 10, 2009.

Item 3.0 of the minutes was amended as follows:

“3. Comply with other design measure.”  was changed to:
“3. Comply with other design measure, such as ASCE 41.” 

A motion to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded and approved.



Discussion and possible action on draft CAPSS report.


Drawings of around 20 buildings (not in the Marina district) meeting  the CAPSS criteria  ( 3 or  more story wood frame building with 5 residential units or more and are located either on corner parcel, or  midblock with a gap between adjacent buildings on one or both sides of one foot or more at the top of the first story) were distributed for review.

From the drawings, some  buildings that appear to be soft story on the outside actually have lots of partitions on the ground level.

David Leung will pull more drawings of around 20 buildings per CAPSS description in the Marina district.

Reporting on the research with computer analysis of a 4 stick model (based on CAPSS  building no. 2) , it is found that the stiffnesses of the upper floors may be over-estimatedand the stiffness of the ground floor under-estimated.  The damping is built-in in the model.

Vulnerability of corner buildings, response of Mayor’s staff to the CAPSS report, possible capture of remaining UMB funding, funding from ATC,  setting up of designated team in DBI to handle soft story issue, criteria and prescriptive retrofit measures, inventory form similar to the UMB to show wall information, trial design based on both prescriptive and performance design were discussed.



Discussion and possible action on 2007 SFBC Section 1604.11.3 to incorporate applicable provisions of 2001 SFBC Section 1605.4.3.

No discussion.



Discussion and possible action on 2007 SFBC Section 3403.2 to incorporate applicable provisions of 2001 SFBC Section 3403.2.1.1, exception 1.

No discussion.



Discussion and possible action on 2007 SFBC Section 3403. to incorporate recommendations of  SEAONC on repairs.

The Structural Subcommittee found no exception in the revision on the SFBC on damage repairs based on SEAONC’s recommendations. However it is pending on review by City Attorney.



Discussion and possible action on DBI’s Special Inspection Program.

No discussion.



Items 3.0 thru 7.0 are continued in next meeting.



Public Comment

A seismic instrument manufacturer sent a email, requesting to make a presentation to

the Structural Subcommittee on the issue of the requirements for seismic instruments to meet CSIMP’s requirements. The request is not approved.

However, the manufacturer is always welcome to join the meeting and make a 3 minute comment, subject to extension, if no objection from Chair.




The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.