Department of Building Inspection

Structural Subcommittee

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 


Regular Meeting of the
Structural Subcommittee

DATE:                    October 2, 2002 (Wednesday)

TIME:                              2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                    

LOCATION:                    130 Sutter Street, Suite 600 (AIA Office)                    

This Subcommittee meets regularly on the first Wednesday of each month at 130 Sutter Street, Room 600. (AIA Office). If you wish to be placed on a mailing list for agendas, please call (415) 558-6205.

Note:          Public comment is welcome and will be heard during each agenda item. Reference documents relating to agenda are available for review at the 1650 Mission Street, Suite 302. For information, please call David Leung at (415) 558-6033.


Present          Excused          Absent
Jim Guthrie, S.E.                    
Ned Fennie, AIA                    
Michael Fretz, S.E.                    
Other Present                    
Pat McKenzie, DBI                    
David Leung, DBI                    
1.0           Call to Order and Roll Call
Members: Ned Fennie, AIA; Michael Fretz, S.E.

Meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. Quorum established with 3 members present.

2.0          Approval of the minutes of the Structural Subcommittee regular meetings of August 7, 2002 and September 4, 2002.
          A motion to approve the minutes. Seconded and approved.

3.0          Discussion on of SFBC Section 3403 on Seismic Triggering.

          In the upcoming CAPSS meetings , there would be reports on the data analysis.
After CAPSS completes the analysis, we can sort of fast forward there going to find some building type in some area of the city and some combination thereof of highly susceptible building. The natural reaction will be that we would have to fix those building. So there will be a lot of discussion amongst realtor, broker, owners and so forth how to address that problem. I think the previous position in people involvement would be similar to UMB.
Obviously there is a lot of political passing around to implement UMB ordinance,
so there is a model and there is an example to follow. Could just have different trigger points and different enforcement and different analyst and etc. Another path is that they go directly to the building code and modify the existing
This subcommittee would invite Gary Ho, DBI’s UMB coordinator to come to the
next meeting.

          Michael says there is a tendency to be focusing on wood frame.

There is a program in Berkeley that encourages seismic retrofit when the houses change hands.

4.0          Continue discussion on inspection on deterioration of existing wood decks.

Section 604 of the Housing Code was added by Ordinance 192-02 (approved
in Sept. 2002) on Structural Maintenance:
Affidavit required. All wood and metal decks, balconies, etc. in weather-exposed
areas of apartment buildings and hotels shall be inspected by a licensed
general contractor, or a structural pest control license, or a licensed professional
architect or engineer, verifying that the decks, balconies, etc. are in general
safe condition. Property owners shall provide proof of compliance with this
section by submitting an affidavit form signed by the responsible inspector
to Housing Inspection Services division every 5 years.
Housing Inspection Services routinely inspect apartment buildings and hotel.
They train the inspection staff to be more thorough in their inspections,
implementing screwdrivers etc. for punching into dryrot etc.
Because it wouldn’t be feasible for all Structural Engineers and Civil Engineers to go out and doing the surveys for the decks, it will be required to tap other resources of Structural Pest Control inspector, who would recommend what needs to be done and they should not legally give opinion regarding the Structural soundness of the deck and can only comment on the condition.
A Structural Engineer and Architect would probably have an obligation to identify every code violation or something at the property line that does not have a required fire separation. In a housing inspection if they found soft beams then they would say the owner have to come back with full engineering analysis. Depending how extensive the repair would be, if an Housing Inspector found deteriorated deck then they would go to the owner and see if they have had an Engineer to inspect the deck.

5.0          Subcommittee Member and Staff’s identification of new agenda items, as well as current agenda items to be continued to another subcommittee regular meeting or special meeting. Subcommittee discussion and possible action regarding administrative issues related to building codes.

No new agenda item. Current item 4.0 will be continued in next regular meeting on 11/6/02.

6.0          Public Comment: Public comment will be heard on items not on this agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Code Advisory Committee. Comment time is limited to 3 minutes per person or at the call of the Chair.

No public comment.

7.0           Adjournment.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.